Pancreas is a small organ often ignored until something goes wrong with it. Although small, it is vital for digestion and the endocrine process through the body.

– main cause is a poor diet, mainly consisting of processed, high fat, high sugar, meat/diary and low veggie foods.
– alcohol abuse
– gallstones
– infection (hepatitis A or D or Epstein-Barr virus)
– drugs (such as seizures meds, meds for treating bipolar disorder, arthritis, cancer, chemotherapy…)
– abdomen injury
– manganese deficiency
– sudden pain starting in or around the area of the navel and radiating to the back and worsening with movement
– nausea
– vomiting
– upper abdominal swelling and/or pain
– excessive gas
– fever
– sweating
– hypertension
– muscle ache
– abnormal fatty stools

Lemons – Sour fruit such as lemons, promotes the release of vital digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Limes and kiwi fruit are also valuable for the smooth running of the pancreas.
Garlic – Garlic not only aids the pancreas but it also decreases the amount of sugar in the blood while stimulating the pancreas to manufacture ample levels of insulin. You should eat one to two slightly crushed cloves of garlic per day, as well as adding it to your food. Garlic tea can be drunk as an alternative and a few sprigs of parsley will sweeten your breath.
Ginger – Many of its bioactive components — in particular, gingerol and shagaol – are anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Ginger has also shown anti-cancer activity in many cell lines by inhibiting growth and inducing apoptosis.
Cayenne – is a great herb in aiding the digestive system, pancreas, etc., to have smoother performance and working in cooperation with the other organs and the circulatory system. It is stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialagogue, stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, antirheumatic. It is the purest and most certain stimulant. This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. It rebuilds the tissues in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers; in equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth; and in stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestines, it aids in assimilation and elimination.
Stinging Nettle Root – is an extremely rich source of calcium, chromium, magnesium, and zinc. This herb is an alkalizing herb and is useful to the body because of its nutritive value and its high levels of minerals.
Oregano – This culinary herb is rich in natural phenolic anti-oxidants making it valuable in treating oxidation caused by diabetes. Studies on pigs have shown that oregano can slow down pancreatic amylase. Oregano is believed to have robust anti-hyperglycemic properties that can handle hyperglycemia and/or long term complications arising from diabetes.
Dandelion – This familiar weed is an effective remedy against pancreatic cancer cells, in particular to those which are unaffected by other cancer treatments. Studies have shown that extract of dandelion root caused cancer cells to die, while not affecting normal cells. Dandelion tea is excellent for flushing toxins out of the intestines and also aids in restoring damaged pancreatic tissues.
Olive Leaves – contain nutrients that detoxify the blood and improve circulation. Taking olive leaf extract will prevent free radicals from instigating damage that leads to disease and lowers blood pressure. Taken regularly this extract will result in a stronger liver, thyroid and pancreas. Oleuropein is the active property in olive leaves which is an anti-inflammatory composite found in the pancreas. The consumption of extra amounts of oleuropein helps to lessen the pain and swelling caused by pancreatitis. Olive leaves also contain oleic acid which aids in destroying free radicals which can cause cellular harm to the pancreas. Studies have shown that these leaves can hold back the growth of cancer cells and taken regularly, will reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as pancreatic cancer.
Nigella Sativa – Also called black seed – black cumin, black onion or charnushka, the oil contains a powerful constituent called thymoquinone. We’ve previously published reports on this herb – it’s one of the most powerful anticancer herbs discovered so far.
Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia found thymoquinone has strong anti-inflammatory activity, inhibits proliferation, and induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. They wrote that it ” is promising for its potential as a preventive and therapeutic strategy” in pancreatic cancer.
Licorice Root – is considered an excellent remedy for various disorders of the pancreas. The Chinese have used licorice for thousands of years in their traditional medicine. Licorice is laden with anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the pain and swelling which is linked to pancreatitis.
Gentian – The roots of gentian motivate the gall bladder, mucous membranes of the stomach and the pancreas to boost the production of pancreatic enzymes, stomach acid, bile and other juices that create a healthy digestive system.

Extra Herbs:
Horsetail – This herb is abundant in silica which aids the body in healing and restores damaged tissue which has deteriorated due to inflammation of the pancreas. In a study of the effects of horsetail on diabetic rats, it was discovered that after only five weeks of therapy, horsetail was shown to have noteworthy anti-diabetic properties and it also aided in the regeneration of the pancreas.
Calendula – Due to its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-genotoxic compounds, it is highly effective in fighting cancer. Studies have shown that calendula could probably stop tumor cells from increasing between 70-100%. This indicates that calendula has important cytotoxic tumor properties and can activate lymphocyte commencement.
Goldenseal – It can actually lower blood sugar levels and aid the pancreas in its general function as well as motivating beta cells contained inside the pancreas, which is of extreme benefit to diabetics. Goldenseal also has anti-bacterial, laxative, antiseptic, tonic, muscle stimulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties.
Haritaki – Research has shown that it has beneficial effects on the pancreas as well as formidable cancer fighting properties. Haritaki is thought to be able to prevent the growth of cancerous tumors in the pancreas as it is believed to cause apoptosis (natural death of cancerous cells). There are no noticeable side effects either. Taking haritaki extract orally lowers blood sugar levels by 43.2%.
Cedar Berries – The seeds and pods are used and have been found beneficial in improving the digestive and pancreatic functions. Cedar berries regulate the normal operation of the pancreas which also causes blood sugar levels to become stable.
Uva Ursi Leaf – or bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: Ericaceae) is an excellent herb for the adrenal, for diabetes, Bright’s disease, and assists in controlling kidney and bladder congestion.
Mullein Leaf – leaves are typically used to moisten and heal lung tissue, but also have soothing effects on other mucus membranes.

Essential Oils – 1. Basil / Cypress / Vetiver Oil Blend: The same three oils appear in extensive research. On their own, each just may hold benefits to help keep the hormone producing glandular organ performing at top notch, but when the three essential oils for pancreas health are combined, the results could be enhanced.
Further Oils to Try: Coriander Oil – Frankincense Oil – Fenugreek Oil – Citrus Based Oils.
Camptothecin – found in the bark of a rare Chinese tree called Camptotheca Acuminata.
The tree has been a feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries, with the aqueous extracts of the leaves and fruit used to treat cancer.
Bai-hua-she-she-cao – Lab studies have found it promotes apoptosis, lowers inflammation and stimulates the immune system to kill or engulf tumors.
Xiang-sha-liu-jun-zi-tang – Most popular broad spectrum product.

If you develop symptoms of pancreatitis please see your health care provider first.
Eat a diet low in fat and remove refined sugar – this is very important for Recovery!
High levels of sugar and fats in the blood are common with pancreatitis and often is the cause of it.
If you have to take antibiotics please be sure to take probiotics in the form of home fermented veggies, and work on restoring your gut microbiome through other ways.
– Eat more raw and steamed, high fibrous veggies and fruits
– Low meat, fat, nuts, legumes.
– Remove all processed foods, gluten, dairy, soy, corn and limit nightshades.
– Consider fasting. Fast can improve the health of all organs including the pancreas.
– Drink plenty of clean water.
– Exercise.
– Detox.
– Sleep.
– Sun exposure.
– Pancreas Healing Herbs

Try focusing the diet towards these foods … as well as the Garlic and Ginger and Lemon mentioned above.
1. Yoghurt
Fat free yoghurt can do wonders for pancreatic health. It contains probiotics that maintain gut health, boost digestion, and protect the pancreas. Yoghurt also improves immunity. It’s a much better alternative to fatty snacks that can worsen the state of your pancreas. Make sure that you look for sugar free options.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is packed with antioxidants, flavonoids in particular. These substances have been found to protect the tissues in your pancreas from disease like cancer. It prevents the growth of cancer cells, helps get rid of toxins, and boosts the functioning of the immune system. And guess what? Broccoli also happens to be a pretty good source of calcium.
3. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are some of the best foods for pancreas health. They even resemble the pancreas! They are much healthier than the white versions. The beta-carotene that gives them their orange colour is great for pancreatic health. But make sure that you don’t fry them – that might do much more harm than good.
4. Spinach
Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables for your pancreas. This leafy green provides your body with vitamin B and iron – both of which are vital for pancreas health. They may play a significantly high role in keeping pancreatic cancer at bay. So, include spinach in your diet. Two other leafy greens also healthy for this organ are kale and Swiss chard.
5. Turmeric
Last on our list, turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that enable it to protect your pancreas from pancreatitis. Studies have found that it reduces oxidative stress too, because it has plenty of antioxidants. In case you’re wondering, oxidative stress results from free radicals in the body and it contributes to inflammation and damage to the pancreas.

Yoga Practice – For a wholistic understanding of the third chakra and energy center of the liver and pancreas – please see this website. You may have a lightbulb moment when you realise what emotions and habits are connected.
Movement in energy is highly important, no movement means no energy, in this fatty organ of the Pancreas we cannot tell with pain that there is inflammation, however you will be able to tell your stomach and pancreas location is hard and stagnant with no flow.
This is the feeling that must be changed, stretch and squeeze and move this area at least 3 times a day to make sure there energy here that’s locked up with tension and anxiety is free and soft!
This is the golden key to moving this inflammation point. Aggravate to increase inflammation to heal! Let the body wprk it’s magic.
Exercise Musts – Stretching and Breathing:
– Writing Practice
– Stomach Crunches
– Breath of Fire (I believe this one is vitally important)

For postures you can do See this Website
Search some more images to see some simple yoga poses