
Plasma Pain Pen – insp. by Keshe


Green Shield’s Life Pen Relieves Simple Muscle, Joint, Nerve and other Pains in the body using Plasma Technology.

Green Shield’s innovative Technology  is a stimulation that produces plasma field that emits low-frequency (1-2 Hz) when in contact with the skin surface. It penetrates up to 3 cm below the skin, helping to bring body back to healing and balance. 

Through this process the, prolonged pain relief is achieved. It is handy and easy to use. It does not require any electrical connection, so it can be used anywhere and at any time.

Materials: nano coated coils, gans, PLA – an innovative bioplastic .
Made in Italy.

it is made with PLA – an innovative bioplastic. This material is non toxic and absolutely safe to use, it is eco friendly and derived from renewable biomass, typically from fermented plant starch such as from corn, cassava, sugarcane or sugar beet pulp.  This bioplastic is biodegradable so it quickly degrades in the soil once the necessary temperature and humidity conditions are reached.


Fact: Plasma is the highest form of energetic health!
5 Minutes with the technology and it will possible leave you speechless!

Move your chi dead zones:
This is a focused conscious intentional tool! The best thing about this plasma technology is that even I can feel it! and i don’t even feel crystals …

Use your bodies own “talk” response to locate areas that are uncomfortable and in need of recharging with plasma light energy.

The feeling of this Technology – if I could describe it – amounts to the amnesia of the original element that caused the pain in the first place!

A type of karmic dissolution …

This makes it hard to appreciate the technology on some levels, just try to remember what was wrong in the first place, it’ll be hard!

Who should use these plasma products:
• Anyone with stubborn or persistent PAIN complaints
• Anyone with chronic health complaints
• Anyone who is interested in knowledge seeking
• Anyone interested in orgone and other crystal energy
• Pets and animals as a pet health device
• Sports professionals who have a high instance of wear and tear
• Students who use a lot of energy studying and partying
• Meditational students looking for a meditation aid
• Anyone looking to feel or experience subtle energy

What is plasma:
Plasma is the energy at the level of source of all light and health. In other words it’s magnetic, feminine healing energy that balances the elements air, water, fire and earth. The force that brings the weary traveler home. 

Plasma light energy is a conscious source of energy much like the plasmatic energy within the human body which is always in search of darkness and discomfort that it can work on.

Plasma energy is also the same energy in the sun or a star – it is not hot! it’s in fact a more cooling and implosive.

As you can see this information is not ordinary. It represents a new body of knowledge that is slowly emerging across our solar system that is based on neg entropy, abundance thinking instead of limited entropic thinking.

What is consciousness:
Everything is consciousness – some people call it energy or frequency or vibration. 

The universe indeed is consciousness and as we approach the new ages that are focused on heart centered living we will discover what this actually means and who is really in control.

We can interact with our surroundings and reality by using heart (electromagnetic) centered thought and belief and not feel bad about it being a magical placebic force.

Plasma provides you with an extra battery pack for this conscious intention based energy which is easily perceptible, enjoy playing with it. 

Subtle energies are the most pervasive in our reality and make up the bulk of the universe – subtle energies are therefore the strongest as they have the most momentum and force behind them in terms of frequency. Align with that subtle energy and have the greatest force in the universe, behind you.

The loud voice of the weak ego hides the shy voice of quiet power – Cre8-Health.2020

Design inspired  by Keshe space institute; believes in peace and peace technology promotion and that no one should have to suffer from pain or poor health at the hands of a corrupt medical and monetary system.

*Shipped Separately – Italian / Swiss made

*Once you touch your device or use it – you cannot return it – it has become yours. 

*Fair warning – if you want to remove them after wearing them some time your body will miss them, so we recommend wearing only when needed.

*Testimonials for ‘effect’ of this product are around 80-90% – not bad for a type of energy medicine.