
Plasma Eye Pain and Relax Mask


Product description:

Plasma eye masks for general head and sinus inflammation relief – like an eye cooling patch but for penetrating the whole head at the same time.

Sublime Rest.

  • Reduce pain and inflammation;
  • Reduce or eliminate chronic pain;
  • Improve Sleep and promote a deeper sleep;
  • Increase energy and vitality;
  • Lower stress and promote calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and reducing stress;
  • Normalize the body’s biological rhythms;
  • May improve the blood pressure;
  • Speeds up the healing time;
  • May reduce  the jet lag symptoms;
  • Accelerate recovery from intense athletic activity

Shipment: directly from Italy
Processing and shipment time: 2+(7-18) days.


Fact: Plasma is the highest form of energetic health!
5 Minutes with the technology and it will possible leave you speechless!

Move your chi dead zones:
Now you can get the deep healing effects of grounding all day without taking off your shoes and walking on the sand or grass outside.

This will impact your day to day energy supply more than you can imagine

What is plasma:
Plasma is the energy at the level of source of all light and health. In other words it’s magnetic, feminine healing energy that balances the elements air, water, fire and earth. The force that brings the weary traveler home.

Plasma light energy is a conscious source of energy much like the plasmatic energy within the human body which is always in search of darkness and discomfort that it can work on.

As you can see this information is not ordinary. It represents a new body of knowledge that is slowly emerging across our solar system that is based on neg entropy, abundance thinking instead of limited entropic thinking.

Who should use these plasma products:
• Anyone with stubborn or persistent PAIN complaints
• Anyone with chronic health complaints
• Anyone who is interested in knowledge seeking
• Anyone interested in orgone and other crystal energy
• Pets and animals as a pet health device
• Sports professionals who have a high instance of wear and tear
• Students who use a lot of energy studying and partying
• Meditational students looking for a meditation aid
• Anyone looking to feel or experience subtle energy

Subtle energies are the most pervasive in our reality and make up the bulk of the universe – subtle energies are therefore the strongest as they have the most momentum and force behind them in terms of frequency. Align with that subtle energy and have the greatest force in the universe, behind you and under you.

The loud voice of the weak ego hides the shy voice of quiet power – Cre8-Health.2020


*Shipped Separately – Italian / Swiss made