
Quantum Distance Healing QIMT


Motivational touch can help your energy flow, and can help your pain go away.
It can clear the mind of past issues, takes less than ten minutes…
We all have amazing energy.
We just blocked it out at a young age…
How would you like to heal your mind,body, soul with a single touch…
Learning this will change your life forever.
Want to have try?
Come in with any mind,body, soul, issues.
See if they do not reduce by 50-100% in ten minutes or less. Wow.
Also everyday when you take a glass of water you will feel yourself getting stronger…Free of charge.
No pills, no shots, no needles, no training or having to change your life to make it work…If you are interested contact me for more information.
We will tell you when and where are shows will be, and when we will be at a hospital near you…
Donations are welcome but not needed.
This is a great service…
You have nothing to fear, but holding on to your issue longer then you need to.



Healing Touch – or – Quantum Inspirational Motivational Touch – is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

QIMT uses the gift of touch or inspirational touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body, and the energy centers that control the flow from the energy field to the physical body.

The person does not need to be local since scalar waves can reach accross distance regardless of how far. The universe is connected.

These non-invasive techniques employ the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It is based on a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come together energetically to facilitate the client’s health and healing.

The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmonies in the energy system, placing the client in a position to self-heal.

Healing Touch Research has been conducted in a wide variety of settings and with a number of different problems and situations including:

  • Cancer
  • Cardio-vascular disease
  • Death and dying
  • Endocrine/Immune function
  • Pain – Chronic Pain
  • Patient satisfaction and experience
  • Psychotherapy/Psychology
  • Post-operative recovery
  • Stress

Healing Touch research has been supported and/or funded by hospitals, universities, colleges, professional organizations, private foundations, and the National Institutes of Health Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. These studies demonstrate that there is support in favor of considering Healing Touch for providing integrative care and that patients assess it highly.

What do the experts say about Healing Touch?

” in a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as energy fields in and around the human body to an absolute certainty that they exist.”


-James Oschman Ph.D.
Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, 2000.

Healing Touch Research
How it Works
How it works is very simple. Through the type of treatment you get your energy your balance the blockages and other issues start to realign itself once your body is realign your body becomes stronger once the energy or the flow of your body is reignited, you will find that your body starts to heal faster and your cellular cells start to heal or rejuvenate becoming more and more stronger.

The damaged cells are then healed and your body starts producing more and more of healthy powerful cells that allow your body to re-heal faster, you’ll find that your body and the pain start to go away, not because of a placebo effect. But because the damage is gone.

Once the pain is gone, the body can start working on the damage and once those damaged cells are replaced, you will find that they are no longer damaged, so they can do their job more efficiently any time your body gets damaged the cells around that area become damaged too, once the cells are healed then. It’s easier for them to heal the things that are damaged but when a damaged cell is damaged, they can’t do much because they are no longer working at a 100%.

Also, because they don’t understand that they are damaged they can start or may get attacked by the undamaged cells. However, it mostly works the other way around, and they do not have the ability to do so. But once the cells are rejuvenated, they are able to quickly. Professionally and. Within less time than your body would normally take. To heal, they will be more sufficient and more accurate in taking care of the problem.

Here are the rates at which we can affect this condition:

  • 90% of all arthritis.
  • Also 45% of mental illnesses.

If this sounds shocking, enough lets also add that one treatment works 92% of the time, and with no more than 17 treatments works 96% of the time. That leaves only 4% of clients untreatable.  This is out of 10,000 clients.

With arthritis, or mental issues that were incurable.
If you think that is unbelievable. Just wait.

First treatment is done in 1-2 hours.

In addition, every treatment after that are done in 15-20 minutes.
Now let us go over a few of the arthritis that can be treated in just one to two hours.

  • Frozen shoulder.
  • Knees
  • Back pain
  • Spinal issues
  • Wrist
  • Adult onset/ adult still disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Behcet disease
  • Bursitis
  • Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chondromalacia patella
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Cry pyrin –associated periodic syndromes
  • Palindromic rheumatism
  • Bell palsy

To be honest, any inflammatory arthritis meaning the joint pains.  Can be treated.

Now if that is not shocking enough.  Keep in mind we do not need drugs, needles, or any of the normal medical tools. What we use is very simple, and very cheap, and the results are amazing.

Just after their first treatment, they could live a pain free life. We could have 1,000,000 offices and still be busy for the rest of our lifetime.

We all know someone dealing with arthritis, and they would pay anything for the cure.  In addition, they know many people dealing with the same issues, and those people would know others.

Pain is a shitting thing to have.  It stops you from sleeping it never goes away, and nothing can help, it destroys your life and there is nothing they can do about it until now.

They will notice the pain going away within a few minutes. Again 90% of all arthritis cure in an hour or two.
WHat would you give for a pain free life?
Also to know that you’d only pay when you’re satisfied!
We cant be more fair than that

We only do this because people either discredit the healing method
When the pain is gone they act as if the pain was never there, because thats how it feels, and what would you pay if the pain was never there? zero … exactly … thats why we ask you to think of a price beforehand considering all the treatments and pills and potions youve had so far.

Mental Issues
Now let us move on to clients with mental issues and the common mental issues are as follows:

1. Depression
2. Anger
3. Stress.
4. Fear.
5. Weight lost.
6. Enteral issues
7. Body syndrome.
8. Psychosomatic issues.
9. Sports improvement.
10. Insomnia.
11. Blackouts.
12. Traumas.
13. Post-traumatic stress syndrome.  (PTSD)
13. Inner child issues.
14. Bipolar
15. Schizophrenia.
16. Suicidal
17. Memory enhancement.

What clients have to say about our treatments?


Client 1:
Thanks Michael. The pain is almost gone. 95 percent better. Standing straight again unlike yesterday standing at one o’clock. I knew if I had contacted you that you would have gone out of your way to help me. I also wanted to try the other way, consume as much vitamin C as possible with a variety of different foods and also vitamin tablets. I will confess that your healing is better and less enduring. I finish today at 3:10 as my classes were doubled up this morning.
Your prognosis is correct I have niggling feelings around this area. After you finished last night, I drank 1.5 liters of water and ate 2 large oranges. I was very thirsty then but had to get up many times to the toilet through the night
Your treatment is working well for me. After a rest almost all pains are gone. Thank you very much. Before when I had this in the Uk the pain would last about 2 weeks using pain killers. If the pain continued, I would then have acupuncture which normally took around 3 days before I was Ok. Yes. Big difference….got class ….will text later….

Client 2:
The reminders are sensations that a bolt of pain often follows…. but no bolt of pain. The transition from bed to ‘up for the day’ cannot be avoided…the first half hour of each morning is when I am most likely to get this reminder…perhaps this will pass….it’d be great and I hope to play a bit of golf in June when I visit USA.
Michael Lamb helped me completely eliminate chronic back pain.  Michael’s treatment was 100 percent effective as I can move and bend freely without pain…He has a very beautiful family too by the way.
Average healing time per person is about 10-15 minutes.
Healing experience has a package-mass nodule on the neck. After treated for more than ten minutes by Michael, the mass disappeared.
The experimenter did not find the previous  nodule for a long time- lumps; guess she’s wondering, where is the lump?

Client 3
This a letter to show my appreciation for the treatment which you administered to me on the 15th March 2018 for my shoulder and upper arm pains which has relieved the suffering I had endured for 16 years or more after my accident.
After the said accident I had visited doctors who prescribed tablets upon tablets with the instruction to swallow as prescribed with really no benefits.
After more than six months I decided to visit an acupuncturist which gave me mild relief for short periods of time and had continued taking tablets for the pain when it got severe.
Now only after two months from the time after my treatment from yourself I haven’t had a sleepless night which is such a relief.
The pain on my shoulder has dispersed and I stand more upright as before.
I am fully aware that my body has to take time for a full recovery after 16 years and that I will need to build back the muscles on my arms.
Words cannot express my gratitude to you for helping me get relief from ongoing pain and being able to sleep each night without lying awake for hours with shoulder pain.
My sincere thanks to you Michael.

Client 4
In my case, 2 years ago I started having some severe pains in my ovary every time I had my period.
Every day I had to take pills to calm it down and some times it was not even enough and the pain was reduced in a 20%.
As an athletic woman, I had to stop doing sports during the weeks I had my period, just because every time I push my body a little, the pains came again.
I had to be in bed during these pains and many times I ended up throwing up.
After going to one of Michael’s meetings everything changed.I just went because I knew him in another job and I thought he was an interesting man, but I never expected that that day it was the last time I was going to have these severe pains.
I know it can be hard to believe, and when I tried I did not have anything to lose, I thought, but then I felt like I was not with my period anymore, I could exercise again and no pain stops me.
Honestly, I could not be more grateful, because I was stoping my life and I was being sick for one week every month and I had no solution other than taking medicines, that were not even healthy in the long run.

Client 5:
My knee was hurt because I didn’t run in the right position. Doctors said it was a fatigue damage or frequent damage. Before I was treated by Mike, I happened to touch my knee again, and it was painful to walk. After his treatment, the warm feeling that I felt on my knees didn’t disappear for a long time. I think Mike’s treatment has the effect of relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation. ut it still depends on long-term treatment to know the consolidation of the treatment.

Client 6:
My name is Lee
On 6-17-2018 I went with my wife to the women’s recovery center.AS my wife has pick this center to rest at after she has our son.  was very shocked to learn there would be an English speaker from a America giving a speech. he talk was about how different people go through different issues in their life.
He named 100s. Everything from mental issues to back pain.
He talked about fixing the spine through heat.
Like a heavy duty heater.
Then he explained that this would only help the spine heal.
Then he said you would still need to make the spine straight again.
I have a curved, so I asked him what I needed to do.
He did not answer me.
Later when he had finished talking he asked me up.
He had me stand as straight as I could.
Right away I felt amazing heat on my back.
I turned around to find he was not even touching me.
The heat was coming from his hands.
It felt very relaxing.
Others have been to him already so they just laugh at me a little when I asked him why his hands were so hot.
I am not a reporter, but felt I should talk about him.
Then he asked me to stand still.
I started to fill my spine getting hotter, and not the outer part, but the inside the core of my spine.
It felt like walking on air, or clouds.
None of these I can do, but believe it would feel just like the way I was feeling.
Once he was all done I could move my head up higher, and my body felt better than it has in a long time.
I had thought it was fake, and I went to see a doctor with a friend.
The doctor had know Michaels name. said he works in many hospitals around Changchun helping others.
He has even gotten a reward from many different departments for the results of his clients.
I have gotten a few of those result.
Just to prove to you that this is not a joke.
It is hard to believe, and I would never believe this story, but it was me, and my life is now so much better.
I have asked many blogs to post this, but they will not.
It is to scary to realize a single touch could treat so many different kinds of issues.

Client 7:
Bye, Bye Backside Pain
Pain loss is a wonderful thing, especially the pharmaceutical-free, natural kind. My sixty two year old lower back was a predictable source of discomfort for the past thirty years.  Limiting movement with occasional ‘lightning bolts of pain’ at my body’s core, my lower back is now egg shell fragile.
The bone-on-bone contact, directly on the spinal column, caused me to wince in pain followed by the relief of its passing. In the autumn of 2018, I was confined to bed for six weeks following hip replacement surgery. At some point during this time I wrenched my back pretty good. Any movement whatsoever resulted in severe pain, compromising my recovery. Nevertheless, in early November of that year I was back on my feet, walking with the aid of crutches.  My hip was getting better.  However, the discomfort and pain in my lower back was not.
As winter approached, I feared the ice and snow that would soon cover northeast China.  My fear was mostly in regards to my lower back and not my mending artificial hip.  The winter was dry with almost no snow and ice which worked in my favor. Then, in late January of 2019, I met MICHAEL LAMB, a fellow America.
Michael told me that he can help me by treating the arthritic pain in my back, which would then allow me to recover.  I met Michael a couple weeks later in mid-February.  After a simple, thirty minute treatment, the pain in my lower back was gone.  A month later, at the time of this writing, I am still pain-free and I am able to walk with a regular gait.  My hat is off to Michael as he was able to put my body on the fast track to recovery.  I will not roller blade for a while yet I plan to do so as summer approaches.
Michael, how do I spell pain relief?


Letter from Michael

Michael Lamb born in Dowagiac.

Michigan. USA. 1982.

In China, Michael has opened a private office for kids with learning disabilities and offers counseling to those in need, trying different forms and ways for kids to learn faster, and help students in China around pressures of everyday school life.

He wishes for the whole world of students lives to improve so they can live a better life, and offer a better future to all.

Reading should be a form of counseling and relaxation decompression, worldwide praise, not to feel like a job, not to feel like something they must do, but something they really want to do.

His greatest goal in life was to prepare these books, that were easy for kids to read, and that would help them step by step reach a standard level with passion…

In early 2012, Michael was invited as a foreign expert to Changchun, Jilin Province, China where he has been teaching oral English for six years at Northeast Normal University, No.103 Middle School, whilst also teaching English writing and other related courses.

In 2014, the children of special education schools (cerebral palsy, autism, etc.) Michael received a certificate from the school for their mental rehabilitation and adjustment.

In 2015, Changchun Entrepreneurship and Employment Expo special foreign expert booths, the on-site display caused huge crowds. Later Michael was awarded the employment certificate of Changchun Army Transfer Center, and did psychological counseling and adjustment and decompression for demobilized soldiers.

In April 2016, Changchun Foreign Affairs Bureau went to the International Talent Exchange Conference in Shenzhen, and set up an exhibition booth for foreign experts, and reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Zibo International Hospital in Shandong Province, etc.

From 2016 to present date, with Changchun’s well-known mother-and-child association reached an agreement of cooperation for pregnant women to do prenatal heart decompression, post-natal depression psychological regulation.

From 2017 to date, in cooperation with the Changchun University Entrance Examination Training Institute, “The college entrance examination” students received guidance before the exam for psychological stress relief, to help the majority of candidates obtain the desired results.

Motivational touch can help your energy flow, and can help your pain go away.
It can clear the mind of past issues, takes less than ten minutes…
We all have amazing energy.
We just blocked it out at a young age…
How would you like to heal your mind,body, soul with a single touch…
Learning this will change your life forever.
Want to have try?
Come in with any mind,body, soul, issues.
See if they do not reduce by 50-100% in ten minutes or less. Wow.
Also everyday when you take a glass of water you will feel yourself getting stronger…Free of charge.
No pills, no shots, no needles, no training or having to change your life to make it work…If you are interested contact me for more information.
We will tell you when and where are shows will be, and when we will be at a hospital near you…
Donations are welcome but not needed.
This is a great service…
You have nothing to fear, but holding on to your issue longer then you need to.

Everyday i am healing people.

Reading all their comments and stories this week as left me tired and happy with tears in my eyes Getting people to give me these letters is hard work. Thank you for support me, and thank you all for trust me!


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