
EMF Silver Weave Blanket


Technology description: Reflective energy silver weave clothing technology

Materials: Silver reflective fiber weave

Made in Italy.

  • Protection from destabilizing EMF frequencies;
  • Protection of your own sensitive natural frequencies;
  • Reduce incidence of energetic anxiety and attacks;
  • Stabilize Nervous System Function
  • Protect  energy and vitality;
  • Reduce pain, inflammation and cellular confusion;
  • Improve and promote deeper sleep;

Shipment: directly from Italy
Processing and shipment time: 2+(7-21)


Fact: Silver has long been known for it’s protective and healing properties both in and on the body. If you’re sensitive to EM fields and EMF energy then it’s likely that this type of clothing will help protect you.

Especially since 5G and 60GHZ type microwaves are getting more popular in our ecosystem, we can all use the extra help to protect ourselves from such pervasive frequencies. Especially the younger and developing ones.

Who should use these silver weave clothing products:
• Sports professionals who have a high instance of wear and tear
• People who are over-weight or want to loose weight
• People who are too thin because they loose more energy than they absorb from their food 
• Students who use a lot of energy studying and partying
• Meditational students looking for a meditation aid
• Anyone looking to feel or experience subtle energy

Subtle energies are the most pervasive in our reality and make up the bulk of the universe – subtle energies are therefore the strongest as they have the most momentum and force behind them in terms of frequency. Align with that subtle energy and have the greatest force in the universe, behind you.

The loud voice of the weak ego hides the shy voice of quiet power – Cre8-Health.2020


*Shipped Separately – Italian / Swiss made