This isn’t just another supplement for folks with bladder leakage…
It’s a life-changer for millions of potential customers. Yes, really – Confitrol24™ helps men and women reduce embarrassing urine leakage and that sudden urge to run to a toilet. It promotes urinary tract health and anti-aging effects of the bladder.
But there’s a lot more to Confitrol24™ than just bladder control. It’s made with a powerful proprietary blend that is developed by doctors and clinically proven called Urox®. Shown to reduce night time urination by 50%, Confitrol24™ can have an immeasurable impact on quality of life for many of your potential customers!
Is Poor Bladder Control…Controlling Your Life?
Millions of women suffer from the effects of urinary incontinence and don’t know how to get this sometimes embarrassing problem under control.
Childbirth, health issues, and lifestyle factors can all cause damage to the nerves in the bladder and weaken the pelvic floor. There are two types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence where activities that cause pressure inside the abdomen trigger urine leaks; and urge incontinence where the brain and spine aren’t working together properly so the bladder empties itself without warning.
Bladder leaks can become a distressing part of your day and interfere with your quality of life…
And even though many women do kegel exercises and toning to keep their bladder healthy, their bladder muscles may still not be strong enough and work as they should. Weakened muscles can cause a variety of symptoms, including:
Urinating more than 7-8 times a day
Sudden and urgent need to urinate
Urinating only small amounts at a time
Bed wetting and difficulty sleeping
Waking more than once to urinate during the night
Leakage when exercising, coughing or laughing
Leakage during sex
But there’s some good news… finally!
Support for Women Suffering from Embarrassing Occasional Leaks, Unexpected Urges to “Go”, and Multiple Nighttime Bathroom Trips.
You really CAN do something about overactive bladder, leakage and other symptoms of poor bladder control. Enjoy life again with less worry about embarrassing leaks and discomfort! Now there’s a non-prescription supplement available just for women!
Confitrol24™’s Competitive Advantages:
Confitrol24™ brings you plenty of competitive advantages that you can use for your benefit. These include:
Urox® Proprietary Blend – Urox® is a proprietary blend of three nutrients that work synergistically to support bladder tone and healthy urinary tract function.
Designed By Doctors – Doctors designed the Confitrol24™ formula, and used their medical expertise to make a product that works very well!
Clinically Shown Results – The Urox® blend has been clinically tested and shown to reduce daytime urinary frequency, night urination, bladder accidents and need to wear incontinence pads.
High Quality Natural Ingredients – We use only high quality natural ingredients – and we put them together at a cGMP-compliant facility in the United States!
Primary Market:Confitrol24™ is for men and women 21+ who want to live without the embarrassment, discomfort and lower quality of life caused by bladder leakage and frequent urination. Confitrol24™ is sold and shipped worldwide.
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Once you receive your GenF20 Plus®, be sure to take a picture of yourself head-to-toe, and you must hold the product next to your face in the shot. Next, take another picture, but this time take a close-up of the product by your face. To make sure we use photographs of actual customers, we require a full-body photograph, but we may only publish photographs of your face and the surrounding area.
Then, after at least three months of using GenF20 Plus®, take another head-to-toe picture while holding the product, and another close-up picture of the product by your face.
Please send these pictures in, along with a hand-written testimonial, and your full name and address. If we choose you to be on the GenF20 Plus® site, we will send you a release form that you must sign and send back to us. This form authorizes the use of your “before and after” pictures along with your testimonial for our website. If we use your photographs on our website, you will receive a FREE one-year supply of GenF20 Plus®..
Very few things lay at the root cause of most health problems
One thing in particular has escaped media attention for a long time, perhaps because of the nature of this pandemic, perhaps because then it leaves an area of health completely open to health experimentation and exploration!
Toxins account for 80% the root cause of all chronic illness – Heavy Metalsbeing the most significant – secondly Parasites being even more important since for the most part they are completely ignored. Also! Parasites feed from Heavy Metals!!!
YES you have Parasites!!!
Parasites are everywhere!! They are as hard to avoid as viruses
They have multiple ways of spreading through human populations … 1. They are airbourne (so are heavy metals) 2. Food-bourne (so are heavy metals) 3. Water-bourne (so are heavy metals) 4. Direct contact with humans can transmit them 5. Also they can spontaneously appear in the right environment through morphogenetic fields
They bread and lay eggs around the full moon time (a bit like wear wolves) and they are killed by silver (a bit like vampires)
Now you can see how health and Hollywood intertwine realities … science fiction does not exist … 😉
For this reason we at Cre8-Health felt is highly important to address this issue in our health programs has teamed up with several of the worlds best supplements for different stages of Health Recovery and different route causes to make absolutely sure one goes from START to FINISH on a proper health protocol that will have long lasting effects aside from adjusting habits and diet.
SYMPTOMS of PARASITES When parasites live in your body, they create toxins – toxins are their feces, their urine (which is 100% ammonia) and their dead bodies. These toxins cause MANY MANY health problems all over the human body.
Your body tries to remove these toxins through the purifying organs – the liver, the skin, the bowels. The body is fighting these toxins (and losing nutrients to the parasites) on a daily basis – therefore it is weakened causing MORE health problems such as the following skin symptoms:
Dry Skin, Dry Hair, Brittle Hair, Hair Loss, Allergies, Itchy Nose, Itchy Anus, Itchy Skin, Hives, Allergic Reactions to Food, Crawling Sensation Under the Skin, Rashes, Weeping Eczema, Cutaneous Ulcers, Papular Lesions, Swelling, and Sores.
These same toxins overload the central nervous system too causing: Mood Swings, Nervousness, Depression, Forgetfulness, Unclear Thinking, Restlessness, Anxiety, Slow Reflexes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Low Energy
Cell Core BioSciences are specialists in eliminating parasites, bacteria and pathogens they have the most advanced hidden-enemy-within destroyer – Para1,2,3
There is a road-map and a system for EVERYTHING … including and especially in Health and Wellness, luckily Cell BioSciences have done the hard work for us, all we have to do is follow the standard system wide cleanse and reboot!
Phase 1 is all about preparing the body to detox! it lubricates and loosens the detox pathways and regenerates the liver and empties the bowels
Phase 2 A serious phase not to be underestimated – it rebuilds the kidneys as well as continuing the liver repair. It also supports the gut at the time as the immune system while killing parasites with a dual action at the right part of their life cycle. This will be a phase to remember!
Phase 3 cleans the lymph system and goes deeper into the immune system support while killing the harder to reach parasites with micronised para 3. Iodine is there to support and reset the thyroid immune connection while supporting cellular energy production.
Phase 4 FINALLY the SYSTEMIC detox phase comes! Goodbye viruses, radiation and chemicals – this phase highlights all the hard work that needs to be done BEFORE real detoxing to make sure it’s possible to get that DEEP detox working.
Phase 5 Go deeper into the immune system and boost it sky high to seal the health plan off with final cap stone that will bump your health into another dimension. This phase will enable your immune system to cope with the anything that 2020 and beyond will throw at you.
I know what you’re thinking … ho much does all this cost! These are the product protocols and prices
What is the best kind of supplement to take in general and why?
Why avoid pills?
A recent study examined forty-nine well-known commercially available multivitamins that were in either tablet (pill) or capsule form to determine if they could release their contained micronutrients within a twenty-minute time period—the time necessary for potential absorption. The results showed that out of the forty-nine multivitamins studied, twenty-five (or 51 percent) did not disintegrate.
Many supplements contain excipients, binders, fillers, and flow agents, that can be used to either make the ingredients stick together, bulk products up to a convenient size, or allow formulas to run smoothly through manufacturers’ machines. These can contribute to the poor disintegration rates for tablets (pills) and capsules.
Have you noticed that some multivitamin tablets are shiny? That’s because some companies coat their multivitamins with shellac, wax, and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, which keeps the moisture out so they will have a longer shelf life. While this may be good for the vitamin company’s bottom line, it is not good for you. These coatings can decrease the solubility of a multivitamin tablet or capsule, reducing its ability to readily disintegrate.
Here are some typcial results you can expect from taking this supplement – results my vary!
Black seed oil (also often called black cumin seed oil, black coriander oil, or simply black oil) comes from the Nigella sativa plant that is native to Asia. Studies on this incredibly powerful seed oil show it may be helpful in combating superbugs like MRSA or h.pylori and even has helped some cancer patients.
The plant is technically part of the buttercup family and has small, black, crescent-shaped seeds. Historical accounts of black seed use date back as far as the times of King Tut in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra reportedly used black cumin seed oil for beautiful hair and skin, and Hippocrates was fond of using it for digestive troubles.
There are now over 600 studies showing the effects of black cumin seed oil and there is promising research on it use for dealing with autoimmune disease (which is why I’ve been experimenting with it).
Two of its active compounds, crystalline nigellone and thymoquinone, are the most studied, but it also contains myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, proteins, and vitamins B1, B2,B3, calcium, folate, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous.
Studies have also shown that black seed oil can be useful for:
Asthma & Allergies Multiple studies have found that black seed oil has anti-asthmatic effects and depending on the cause of asthma, it was sometimes more effective than conventional treatment. The same properties make it beneficial for relieving allergies for many people.
Eczema and Psoriasis Black seed oil is also used for skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It helps soothe inflammation and improve the speed and which skin heals.
Digestion Nigella sativa seeds are carminative, meaning they aid in digestion and may decrease gas, bloating, and stomach pain. Black seed oil is often sometimes used in remedies for intestinal parasites. In preliminary studies, it was also shown to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells with no negative side effects.
Candida and Fungus Black seed oil was also shown to be helpful in battling candida and fungal infections in the digestive system and on the skin.
Cancers Other studies have shown that a compound in black seeds and oil, thymoquinone, helps induce apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells. Other studies have shown this same effect in breast cancer cells, brain tumor cells, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, and even oral cancer cells and cavity-forming bacteria. Black seed oil is also sometimes recommended as a natural protection against some of the danger from radiation and used in conjunction with conventional treatments. Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits
Heart Health Thymoquinone in Nigella sativa seeds has also been shown to have a protective effect on the heart, promote healthy cholesterol levels and help normalize blood pressure.
MRSA and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) A 2010 study found that black seed oil was effective for patients with h.pylori infections (without ulcers). Studies have also shown that black seed oil was effective against MRSA.
Immune Health Nigella sativa is unique in its way of supporting the immune system. It contains the antioxidants, beneficial acids, and B-vitamins you would expect in a natural remedy, but has an additional benefit. Unlike herbs like elderberry or echinacea that require caution for those with autoimmune disease, black seeds seem to balance the immune system — increasing immune function but not encouraging immune reactions against the body’s healthy tissue.
It has been used in alternative HIV protocols for years and it is often recommended on various autoimmune disease forums (with testimonials from those it has helped). I first found research on black seed oil when researching my own autoimmune thyroid disease.
Skin and Hair It is also used topically in some cultures to naturally soften, strengthen, and firm skin and help increase hair growth. Some studies even suggest that it may be a very useful remedy against scars and to prevent scar formation on wounds.
Black raspberry seeds contain numerous same health-beneficial compounds as those of red raspberry seeds. However, black raspberry seeds additionally encompass of higher levels of compounds such as anthocyanins. If you read and understand what this article explains regarding phytochemicals and nutrients available in black raspberry seeds you will probably be able to put them into practice and thus, boost your health.
This post provides a detailed explanation about top five health benefits of black raspberry seeds which include:
In a research held way back in 2006, a group of health experts from Chile tested the antioxidant power of various healthy foods. Among the healthy foods were 28 types of berry seeds and other different sorts of fruits. Black raspberry seeds, olives, white mulberries, sour cherries, strawberry seeds, and maqui berries were proven to contain a higher antioxidant power compared to red raspberry seeds. Besides, the antioxidant power of black raspberry seeds was shown to be stronger than that of kiwis and plums.
Anti-Cancer Properties Black raspberry seeds have been proven to be one of the most efficient breast cancer fighting foods. They are as well very reliable when it comes to fighting cervical cancer. In a research held in 2006, it was determined that black raspberry seeds inhibit the growth of human prostate tumor, colon and breast cell lines. The seeds were additionally found to contain a strong pro-apoptotic effect, which promote apoptosis, a natural process that helps the body to get rid of unneeded cells. In addition, the seeds are believed to contain ellagic acid, which is a phenolic compound that has been proven to help cub both carcinogenic and mutagenic processes.
Promotes Eye Health It is widely known that blueberry seeds are good for eye health. Well, in a research held recently it was concluded that black raspberry seeds contain more anthocyanins compared to blueberry seeds. This property make the black raspberry seeds to be more effective when it comes to boosting eye health. Majorly, black raspberry seeds benefit eyes in that they provide protection against muscular deterioration, boost the flow of blood in capillaries that leads to the retina, improves night vision, and reduces the risk of retinopathy in diabetic patients.
Benefits the Cardiovascular Systemgood-for-heart-health Consumption of enough black raspberry seeds can help boost the cardiovascular health since it is capable of inhibiting LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) oxidation and hence, combating high blood pressure (hypertension). Actually, high level of LDL oxidation is an indicator of cardiovascular disease risk. Inhibiting this type of oxidation will definitely help solve hypertension issues.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties body-inflammation-and-painNSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), such as naproxen and ibuprofen, are usually used to curb inflammation and pain related to inflammatory conditions – for instance, rheumatoid arthritis. Basically, these drugs work by inhibiting the production of cyclooxygenases, chemicals that are normally released by the body in response to pain. Black raspberry seeds have got the ability to do the same. Why don’t you choose to diminish inflammation by consuming berries instead of drugs that sometimes have negative effects?
Grape seed extract may have a range of health benefits. Studies on animal models have revealed that grape seed extract can be effective in treating heart disease.
Some experts think that grape seed extract could even have anticancer and cancer chemopreventive potential.
Over recent years, there has been a great deal of research pointing to possible therapeutic properties of grape seed extract. Listed below are some of the key findings.
Healing wounds Grape seed extract has the potential to increase the speed that wounds heal. A study, published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, applied proanthocyanidin extract onto wounds on the backs of mice. They found that the mice treated with this solution had quicker healing times.
According to the researchers they “provided firm evidence to support that topical application of GSPE [Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract] represents a feasible and productive approach to support dermal wound healing.”
Although it is not clear how this protection occurs, GSPE was found to increase production of vascular endothelial growth factor, a compound important in the wound healing process.
Improving bone strength Including grape seed extract in your diet with calcium has a “beneficial effect on bone formation and bone strength for the treatment of bone debility caused by a low level of calcium.”
This is according to a study published in the Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions that investigated the effects of calcium and proanthocyanidins on the bone structure of mice which had been fed a low-calcium diet.
Anti-Candida activity A study conducted in Italy examined grape seed extract’s ability to attack Candida, a yeast-like parasitic fungus that can, sometimes, cause thrush. Grape seed oil contains flavan-3-ols. The researchers concluded:
“The results pointed out a significant inhibition of Candida albicans load 5 days after challenge. These findings indicate that grape seed extracts with high content of polymeric flavan-3-ols can be used in mucosal infection such as vaginal candidiasis.”
Preventing skin cancer Grape seeds contain proanthocyanidins which might prevent the development of cancer. A study, published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, found that grape seeds have properties that can reduce the severity of skin cancer.
Using hairless mice, the research team tested the ability of grape seed proanthocyanidins to slow the formation of skin tumor development.
The researchers concluded that grape seed extracts “could be useful in the attenuation of the adverse UV-induced health effects in human skin.”
It is thought that the protective nature of proanthocyanidins comes via a number of routes including a reduction in oxidative stress and immunosuppression by altering cytokine activity. Further research is needed to firm up the findings.
Cardiovascular benefits The antioxidants in grape seed extract can potentially protect the blood vessels from becoming damaged, which may prevent high blood pressure.
According to one study, published in the journal Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, “grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) provides superior antioxidant efficacy as compared to Vitamins C, E, and β-carotene.”
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) note that it may help reduce systolic blood pressure and heart rate, but they point out that it will not help decrease lipid levels, for example, cholesterol, in the blood.
Preventing cognitive decline Grape seed extract is very high in proanthocyanidins which some believe could prevent cognitive decline.
One study identified “a critical role for grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) as a neuroprotectant in the hippocampus and in preventing cognitive loss with aging.”
The NCCIH is supporting studies on the effect of grape seed extract on Alzheimer’s disease.
Other possible benefits associated with grape seed extract include:
[Three bunches of grapes] Grape seed extract contains proanthocyanidins – treating tooth decay – protecting against pathogens – improving night vision – Alzheimer’s disease – treating diabetic retinopathy and improving blood sugar control – relieving symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency – anti-aging properties (protecting collagen and elastin) – reducing edema – relieving symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency – reducing iron levels in people with hemochromatosis – reducing inflammation
D-ribose is a supplement that’s sometimes recommended as a treatment for people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Also called ribose or Beta-D-ribofuranose, it’s a type of sugar that your body produces naturally and is readily available in supplement form.
D-ribose plays several important roles in your body, such as:
Helping produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) Serving as a building block of the genetic material RNA (ribonucleic acid) Helping increase your muscle energy As with most supplements, we don’t have enough high-quality research to draw a lot of conclusions about it as a treatment for these conditions.
D-Ribose for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome We have very little research on d-ribose supplementation for either fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Still, some health-care providers recommend it, and some people with these conditions say it is an effective part of their treatment regimen.
One small study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine concluded that d-ribose supplementation significantly improved symptoms of these conditions, including:
– Increasing energy levels – Improving sleep quality – Improving mental clarity – Lowering pain intensity – Improving overall well being
Pancreas is a small organ often ignored until something goes wrong with it. Although small, it is vital for digestion and the endocrine process through the body.
Causes: – main cause is a poor diet, mainly consisting of processed, high fat, high sugar, meat/diary and low veggie foods. – alcohol abuse – gallstones – infection (hepatitis A or D or Epstein-Barr virus) – drugs (such as seizures meds, meds for treating bipolar disorder, arthritis, cancer, chemotherapy…) – abdomen injury – manganese deficiency
Symptoms: – sudden pain starting in or around the area of the navel and radiating to the back and worsening with movement – nausea – vomiting – upper abdominal swelling and/or pain – excessive gas – fever – sweating – hypertension – muscle ache – abnormal fatty stools
Lemons – Sour fruit such as lemons, promotes the release of vital digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Limes and kiwi fruit are also valuable for the smooth running of the pancreas.
Garlic – Garlic not only aids the pancreas but it also decreases the amount of sugar in the blood while stimulating the pancreas to manufacture ample levels of insulin. You should eat one to two slightly crushed cloves of garlic per day, as well as adding it to your food. Garlic tea can be drunk as an alternative and a few sprigs of parsley will sweeten your breath.
Ginger – Many of its bioactive components — in particular, gingerol and shagaol – are anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Ginger has also shown anti-cancer activity in many cell lines by inhibiting growth and inducing apoptosis.
Cayenne – is a great herb in aiding the digestive system, pancreas, etc., to have smoother performance and working in cooperation with the other organs and the circulatory system. It is stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialagogue, stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, antirheumatic. It is the purest and most certain stimulant. This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. It rebuilds the tissues in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers; in equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth; and in stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestines, it aids in assimilation and elimination.
Stinging Nettle Root– is an extremely rich source of calcium, chromium, magnesium, and zinc. This herb is an alkalizing herb and is useful to the body because of its nutritive value and its high levels of minerals.
Oregano – This culinary herb is rich in natural phenolic anti-oxidants making it valuable in treating oxidation caused by diabetes. Studies on pigs have shown that oregano can slow down pancreatic amylase. Oregano is believed to have robust anti-hyperglycemic properties that can handle hyperglycemia and/or long term complications arising from diabetes.
Dandelion – This familiar weed is an effective remedy against pancreatic cancer cells, in particular to those which are unaffected by other cancer treatments. Studies have shown that extract of dandelion root caused cancer cells to die, while not affecting normal cells. Dandelion tea is excellent for flushing toxins out of the intestines and also aids in restoring damaged pancreatic tissues.
Olive Leaves – contain nutrients that detoxify the blood and improve circulation. Taking olive leaf extract will prevent free radicals from instigating damage that leads to disease and lowers blood pressure. Taken regularly this extract will result in a stronger liver, thyroid and pancreas. Oleuropein is the active property in olive leaves which is an anti-inflammatory composite found in the pancreas. The consumption of extra amounts of oleuropein helps to lessen the pain and swelling caused by pancreatitis. Olive leaves also contain oleic acid which aids in destroying free radicals which can cause cellular harm to the pancreas. Studies have shown that these leaves can hold back the growth of cancer cells and taken regularly, will reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as pancreatic cancer.
Nigella Sativa – Also called black seed – black cumin, black onion or charnushka, the oil contains a powerful constituent called thymoquinone. We’ve previously published reports on this herb – it’s one of the most powerful anticancer herbs discovered so far.
Researchers from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia found thymoquinone has strong anti-inflammatory activity, inhibits proliferation, and induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. They wrote that it ” is promising for its potential as a preventive and therapeutic strategy” in pancreatic cancer.
Licorice Root – is considered an excellent remedy for various disorders of the pancreas. The Chinese have used licorice for thousands of years in their traditional medicine. Licorice is laden with anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the pain and swelling which is linked to pancreatitis.
Gentian – The roots of gentian motivate the gall bladder, mucous membranes of the stomach and the pancreas to boost the production of pancreatic enzymes, stomach acid, bile and other juices that create a healthy digestive system.
Extra Herbs: Horsetail – This herb is abundant in silica which aids the body in healing and restores damaged tissue which has deteriorated due to inflammation of the pancreas. In a study of the effects of horsetail on diabetic rats, it was discovered that after only five weeks of therapy, horsetail was shown to have noteworthy anti-diabetic properties and it also aided in the regeneration of the pancreas.
Calendula – Due to its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-genotoxic compounds, it is highly effective in fighting cancer. Studies have shown that calendula could probably stop tumor cells from increasing between 70-100%. This indicates that calendula has important cytotoxic tumor properties and can activate lymphocyte commencement.
Goldenseal – It can actually lower blood sugar levels and aid the pancreas in its general function as well as motivating beta cells contained inside the pancreas, which is of extreme benefit to diabetics. Goldenseal also has anti-bacterial, laxative, antiseptic, tonic, muscle stimulant, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties.
Haritaki – Research has shown that it has beneficial effects on the pancreas as well as formidable cancer fighting properties. Haritaki is thought to be able to prevent the growth of cancerous tumors in the pancreas as it is believed to cause apoptosis (natural death of cancerous cells). There are no noticeable side effects either. Taking haritaki extract orally lowers blood sugar levels by 43.2%.
Cedar Berries – The seeds and pods are used and have been found beneficial in improving the digestive and pancreatic functions. Cedar berries regulate the normal operation of the pancreas which also causes blood sugar levels to become stable.
Uva Ursi Leaf – or bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: Ericaceae) is an excellent herb for the adrenal, for diabetes, Bright’s disease, and assists in controlling kidney and bladder congestion.
Mullein Leaf – leaves are typically used to moisten and heal lung tissue, but also have soothing effects on other mucus membranes.
Essential Oils– 1. Basil / Cypress / Vetiver Oil Blend: The same three oils appear in extensive research. On their own, each just may hold benefits to help keep the hormone producing glandular organ performing at top notch, but when the three essential oils for pancreas health are combined, the results could be enhanced. Further Oils to Try: Coriander Oil – Frankincense Oil – Fenugreek Oil – Citrus Based Oils.
TCM: Camptothecin – found in the bark of a rare Chinese tree called Camptotheca Acuminata. The tree has been a feature of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries, with the aqueous extracts of the leaves and fruit used to treat cancer.
Bai-hua-she-she-cao – Lab studies have found it promotes apoptosis, lowers inflammation and stimulates the immune system to kill or engulf tumors. Xiang-sha-liu-jun-zi-tang – Most popular broad spectrum product.
Recommendations: If you develop symptoms of pancreatitis please see your health care provider first.
Eat a diet low in fat and remove refined sugar – this is very important for Recovery!
High levels of sugar and fats in the blood are common with pancreatitis and often is the cause of it. If you have to take antibiotics please be sure to take probiotics in the form of home fermented veggies, and work on restoring your gut microbiome through other ways.
– Eat more raw and steamed, high fibrous veggies and fruits – Low meat, fat, nuts, legumes. – Remove all processed foods, gluten, dairy, soy, corn and limit nightshades. – Consider fasting. Fast can improve the health of all organs including the pancreas. – Drink plenty of clean water. – Exercise. – Detox. – Sleep. – Sun exposure. – Pancreas Healing Herbs
Diet: Try focusing the diet towards these foods … as well as the Garlic and Ginger and Lemon mentioned above.
1. Yoghurt Fat free yoghurt can do wonders for pancreatic health. It contains probiotics that maintain gut health, boost digestion, and protect the pancreas. Yoghurt also improves immunity. It’s a much better alternative to fatty snacks that can worsen the state of your pancreas. Make sure that you look for sugar free options.
2. Broccoli Broccoli is packed with antioxidants, flavonoids in particular. These substances have been found to protect the tissues in your pancreas from disease like cancer. It prevents the growth of cancer cells, helps get rid of toxins, and boosts the functioning of the immune system. And guess what? Broccoli also happens to be a pretty good source of calcium.
3. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are some of the best foods for pancreas health. They even resemble the pancreas! They are much healthier than the white versions. The beta-carotene that gives them their orange colour is great for pancreatic health. But make sure that you don’t fry them – that might do much more harm than good.
4. Spinach Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables for your pancreas. This leafy green provides your body with vitamin B and iron – both of which are vital for pancreas health. They may play a significantly high role in keeping pancreatic cancer at bay. So, include spinach in your diet. Two other leafy greens also healthy for this organ are kale and Swiss chard.
5. Turmeric Last on our list, turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that enable it to protect your pancreas from pancreatitis. Studies have found that it reduces oxidative stress too, because it has plenty of antioxidants. In case you’re wondering, oxidative stress results from free radicals in the body and it contributes to inflammation and damage to the pancreas.
Yoga Practice – For a wholistic understanding of the third chakra and energy center of the liver and pancreas – please see this website. You may have a lightbulb moment when you realise what emotions and habits are connected.
Movement in energy is highly important, no movement means no energy, in this fatty organ of the Pancreas we cannot tell with pain that there is inflammation, however you will be able to tell your stomach and pancreas location is hard and stagnant with no flow.
This is the feeling that must be changed, stretch and squeeze and move this area at least 3 times a day to make sure there energy here that’s locked up with tension and anxiety is free and soft!
This is the golden key to moving this inflammation point. Aggravate to increase inflammation to heal! Let the body wprk it’s magic.
Exercise Musts – Stretching and Breathing: – Writing Practice – Stomach Crunches – Breath of Fire (I believe this one is vitallyimportant)
This is the part of the body (in line with your lower ribs in the centre of the rib cage) you need to make soft again, feel it! press it! it’s hard isn’t it? it’s your job to soften this area up with breathing and massage techniques that only you can discover for yourself, to help you out see the exercises below …
When confusing, chronic health problems arise, nothing else matters.
Our wellbeing is blissfully taken for granted – until it’s taken away.
Suddenly energy plummets, and health issues soar. Clear minds become foggy, and healthy muscles suddenly become weak. Often a straight diagnosis is elusive leaving us grasping for answers as to why the abrupt 180 in our health.
Chronic illness and disease are on the rise. In the United States, for example, estimates state that 45% of the population is suffering from at least one chronic illness. (1) These health issues can be difficult to deal with on several levels. Quality of life suffers, and families are stressed.
There are other issues that can make dealing with a chronic illness almost worse than the symptoms themselves. Not having the right answers as to why, and not having proper guidance or treatment.
The sufferer goes from doctor to doctor looking for help. Testing doesn’t always reveal an explanation, leaving the patient wondering what to do next. This rings true for one of the most elusive of chronic illnesses — Lyme.
Remember* the method you learn here today could well be applied to other chronic conditions as this method is akin to a systematic body wide health reset.
Lyme disease is a source of chronic illness for a rapidly growing number of people. The CDC estimate that 300,000 NEW cases of Lyme are contracted per year. (2) Some data suggests that a more likely number is 1,000,000 cases per year. (3) That being said, it is rarely properly diagnosed.
Lyme disease mimics many disorders. This leaves both doctors and patients without a clear cut answer as to what Lyme looks and feels like. Initial symptoms can look and feel like the flu. Headaches, fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and achiness wouldn’t immediately send you to the doctor.
Lyme is usually not even on the list of diseases to check for. Chronic Lyme disease doesn’t “run its course” in a week or two like the flu. As it spreads in the body, more debilitating problems can arise.
Lyme disease symptoms are broad and not specific to Lyme alone. Symptoms can manifest as other chronic disorders like:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis and other joint inflammation
Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune diseases
Food allergies
Neurological disorders like ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s
Depression and anxiety
Cognitive issues like brain fog and memory loss
With Lyme resembling these other diseases, the true cause behind them may remain unidentified. However being able to address the symptoms of Lyme means being able to address the symptoms of many other chronic disorders.
There are huge misconceptions around the traditional tick bite “bullseye” rash. Doctors and patients alike think that if you don’t get the rash, you cannot have Lyme disease.
Not every case of Lyme starts with erythema migrans (bullseye rash). (4) Around half of people diagnosed with Lyme don’t remember getting the rash.
The Lyme bacteria come in three different forms:
Spirochete (spiral)
Cyst (round body)
Only the spirochete form triggers the bullseye rash. This makes early recognition and treatment of Lyme difficult because this is the telltale sign people and practitioners are looking for.
Most chronic Lyme sufferers report going to several doctors over many months (even years) before Lyme is recognized. Unfortunately, by that time Lyme has spread to many organ systems causing more damage and symptoms.
7 Mysterious Symptoms Not Commonly Associated With Lyme
Lyme can also manifest as rare skin conditions. Morphea (scleroderma), lichen sclerosus, and more recently B cell lymphoma have been linked to the Lyme. (5) Health care providers may not be connecting these uncommon diseases, leaving the real cause unresolved.
2. Heart Issues
Lyme disease can attack the heart muscle. This can affect the electrical communications between the upper and lower chambers of the heart. The uncoordinated pulses can result in heart palpitations, chest pain and shortness of breath. Again, doctors might treat these symptoms strictly as an isolated heart issue, not as a Lyme infection.
3. Neurological Disorders
Unfortunately, Lyme can also affect our neurotransmitters. The spirochete bacteria can affect our central nervous system. In fact, around 40% of those with chronic Lyme develop neurological issues. (6) This can manifest as bipolar disorder, anorexia, schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Major depression can develop in 66% of chronic Lyme sufferers. Panic attacks are also part of the attack on the central nervous system. This can make you sensitive to light, sounds and be overly sensitive to touch. (7) These changes in neurotransmitters can also contribute to thoughts of suicide. (8) The pain and inflammation of this infection can escalate these feeling.
Aggression can also increase and affects about 10% of those infected with Lyme. Doctors will want to rebalance neurotransmitters to bring back normal nervous system function. But if the underlying cause is Lyme disease, the patient’s body will not be able to respond to treatment.
The hidden reason for all these problems will still be at work affecting the neurotransmitters. It’s also important to note that some people infected with Lyme will ONLY exhibit signs in their nervous system and not the joint and body pains.
4. Digestive and Abdominal Pain
The vast majority of people associate joint pain with Lyme, but not digestive issues. It’s not as common, but Lyme disease can result in nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. (9) Acid reflux and chronic loose stools may also be an issue.
The abdominal pain is usually on the upper right side, corresponding to the liver. 40% of patients with Lyme had at least one abnormality in liver function when they were tested. (10) Lyme infection can inflame the liver, another hidden symptom doctors might not associate with this bacteria.
5. Paralysis
Another strange manifestation of Lyme disease is paralysis. Often this symptom appears on the face and will be diagnosed as Bell’s Palsy. It is estimated to occur in about 11% of those with Lyme disease. (11) But it can also settle in the vocal cords and create issues in that area. (12) This is very rare.
6. Meat Allergies
A bizarre symptom of Lyme infection could be suddenly developing an allergy to meat. When Lyme is contracted, a cascade of inflammatory chemicals can be released. This can cause a dramatic rise in IgE antibodies. It isn’t entirely clear how this “meat allergy” occurs, but there is significant documentation that it can happen. (13)
7. Hair Loss
The last hidden symptom of Lyme we want to reveal is unexplained hair loss. Some people can develop alopecia that is reversed when the Lyme is treated. (14) Hair loss is an additional strange symptom that doctors won’t associate with Lyme disease.
What Are Sources Of Lyme Disease?
There are some big misconceptions around how a person can contract the Lyme bacteria. Most people think that you have to be bitten by a tick that carries the infection. If you haven’t been camping in the deep woods, for example, there is no way to contract Lyme.
This isn’t true.
Other insects like flies, mosquitoes, spiders, and fleas can carry and transmit Lyme. Birds and rodents like mice and squirrels can carry it. Mammals like deer, cows, dogs, and horses can all carry Lyme as well.
Lyme can also be transmitted sexually from bodily fluids. Studies have identified that couples can test positive for the exact same strain of Lyme. (15) Mothers can also pass on the bacteria to their babies, either in utero or from breastfeeding. Because Lyme can live in bodily fluids, it can also be transmitted through blood.
Another misconception is that Lyme disease is only found in specific areas of the world. This might have been the case in the past, but now Lyme is found everywhere. It’s believed that migratory birds have spread the bacteria to every corner of the world. Even penguins in Antarctica have been found to carry Lyme! (16)
An additional source of Lyme is parasites. This is the most insidious source of all. Parasites can carry Lyme disease inside them. Amazingly, they can have the Lyme bacteria whether they are in the egg, larva or adult stage.
Autopsies have revealed that Multiple Sclerosis patients have had Lyme carrying parasites in their brain. It has also been found in the brains of patients with Glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer. (17) Could the parasites and Lyme bacteria be the true cause of these diseases?
The Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) blood test is most often used to diagnose Lyme disease. This test is looking to detect if your immune system has developed antibodies to the Lyme bacteria. It does not actually test for the bacteria itself.
Unfortunately, many people are declared free of Lyme when they are actually infected. The test could come back negative for several reasons. The body may not have produced enough antibodies for the test to come back positive.
Another reason is the immune system may have been inhibited by the Lyme disease itself to escape detection. Because of this, the body may not be producing the antibodies to fight the infection. Lyme tests can be very inaccurate because of these factors.
How Is Lyme Traditionally Treated? (The Old Way)
If Lyme is diagnosed or suspected, a doctor will prescribe antibiotic treatment for 2-3 weeks. Sometimes a course of 28 days or longer might be recommended. This can work for some people.
This treatment is usually more effective when Lyme is detected in its earliest stages and hasn’t settled into the organs and tissues of the body. If Lyme is in its later stages of development, it may not be effective at all.
Why Antibiotics Isn’t The Right Treatment
The Lyme disease bacteria have developed mechanisms to avoid being detected by our immune system. They defend themselves by building a structure called biofilm. (18) It “blankets” them in layers. They colonize and hide under this blanket.
Biofilm is another reason Lyme is difficult to detect with blood tests. This not only protects them from our immune system, but also from being killed by antibiotics. Biofilm can make them up to 10,000 times more resistant to antibiotics. Not only that, antibiotics can trigger them the make the biofilm even stronger.
Studies reveal that Lyme can live long past a steady course of antibiotics. In one study, injectable antibiotics were given for 28 days, and the Lyme was still alive. (19) They were metabolically active in the different organs that had been infected.
When the Lyme spirochete feel they are being attacked, they curl up into a ball. They will morph into a cyst to resist being killed off and return to their normal state when the threat has passed. Antibiotics also do not go past the blood/brain barrier. If the Lyme disease bacteria have settled there, they cannot be affected at all.
An additional reason antibiotics can be completely ineffective is the Lyme and parasite connection. Antibiotics don’t kill parasites. They may kill some of the Lyme outside the parasites. But the Lyme inside the parasites is protected and will reinfect the host. It may be impossible to conquer Lyme without getting rid of the Lyme carrying parasites because it’s addressing the infection in the wrong order.
A Better Approach (The CellCore Way)
To truly tackle Lyme, we need a different strategy. Resolving Lyme depends on addressing it in the right order.
1. DRAINAGE FIRST – (Less Edema, Less Discomfort before Detox)
Lyme infection can clog up our lymphatic and drainage systems. Our lymphatic system has two times the amount of fluid as our circulatory system. One of its roles is to transport bacteria to the lymph nodes so it can be destroyed.
If our lymph isn’t moving, the Lyme can sit in the stagnant fluid and replicate without being disturbed. The immune system will have less of a chance of recognizing it if it isn’t moved to where it can adequately fight it. Taking lymphatic system supporting herbs can get these fluids moving to stir up the Lyme from out of its hiding places.
The next drainage system needing support is the liver and kidneys. Bacterial infections can cause these organs to become inflamed, hampering their ability to detoxify us properly.
Supporting these organs with herbs and nutrients to increase their function will better enable you to detox. A large number of toxins are produced when the bacteria are dying off. Ensuring these pathways are running smoothly will make sure the toxins are removed and not causing additional issues.
The lymph and liver/kidney drainage pathways eventually dump their wastes into the colon for complete removal. Making sure the intestines are moving well and emptying at least two or three times a day is critical to getting rid of toxins.
Taking intestinal moving herbs will really enhance the muscle contractions of the GI tract so it moves effectively. Getting the bowels moving before shifting to killing Lyme will help prevent additional symptoms from developing. It also helps to reduce the lousy pathogen load that is in the GI tract, allowing you to recover faster.
There is one more step before actually killing the Lyme disease bacteria. Getting rid of parasites. Not killing parasites first, will only result in becoming reinfected again and again. The parasites will release Lyme and infect you once more. Specific herbs combined with fulvic acid extracts can kill the Lyme carrying parasites and mop up the toxins they produce simultaneously. This triple action of removing the Lyme, parasites, and toxins can help you recover your former life more quickly.
Hidden No Longer
Lyme infection can imitate many different diseases and evade being correctly diagnosed. In truth, a positive Lyme test isn’t what matters. Recovering and regaining your life does!
Uncovering Lyme’s hidden relationship with parasites unveils the truth about how to deal with Lyme. Stop the parasites, stop the Lyme. Getting rid of the true source will put you on the path to health once again.
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Heavy metals are prevalent in today’s world much more than ever before, they are present in food, drink and vaccines and other medications even the air and soil.
The first thing that happens in everyone’s life (who is part of society) is that we are all loaded with immune suppressing adjuncts like Mercury, Aluminium and Lead for the first few years of life.
God makes no mistakes, it’s Humans playing god that make mistakes! So naturally the first thing we need to do to get healthy is take out the biggest and heaviest mistakes first, to leave room for health to grow!
Think ALL chronic dis’ease like Chronic Pain, Autism and Chronic Fatigue
The main problem with these kind of toxins is that they build up in the body, they bioaccumulate and are very difficult to get rid of and they are food for the second biggest cause of dis’ease, parasites!!
The heaviest dis’ease relates to the negative emotional loops an habits and even the negative spiritual energies we collect over time. Let go of your old baggage and start fresh!
According to the WHO, toxins are at the front line of 80% of chronic disease and of those toxins Heavy Metals are the most challenging and important.
Start at the source! so your body can work its way up to health
Think of heavy metals are circuit breakers or disruptors! they cross neurons and get lodged in the heaviest emotional loops and habits locking us onto these destructive patterns, they suppress the immune system and they encourage the growth of parasites, hence the appearance of parasites in people with collections of symptoms like Autism.
IF we don’t start with the most toxic toxins then we will always be dragged down into dis ease, it’s only when we realize this and act at the source when we get the results we want.
Always remember that this product is like no other, its an EXACT copy of the natural version only it’s produced under strict, clean scientific environment meaning it’s got zero natural toxicity.
Just take a look at the list of the major toxins in the world that zeolite acts on!
So what metals are detoxed exactly?
Check below … *Selenium and Magnesium will need to be supplemented or topped up