The Micro Aliens Inside Us | CellCore

Very few things lay at the root cause of most health problems

One thing in particular has escaped media attention for a long time, perhaps because of the nature of this pandemic, perhaps because then it leaves an area of health completely open to health experimentation and exploration!

Toxins account for 80% the root cause of all chronic illness – Heavy Metals being the most significant – secondly Parasites being even more important since for the most part they are completely ignored. Also! Parasites feed from Heavy Metals!!!

YES you have Parasites!!!

Parasites are everywhere!!
They are as hard to avoid as viruses


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They have multiple ways of spreading through human populations …
1. They are airbourne (so are heavy metals)
2. Food-bourne (so are heavy metals)
3. Water-bourne (so are heavy metals)
4. Direct contact with humans can transmit them
5. Also they can spontaneously appear in the right environment through morphogenetic fields

They bread and lay eggs around the full moon time (a bit like wear wolves)
and they are killed by silver (a bit like vampires)

Now you can see how health and Hollywood intertwine realities … science fiction does not exist … 😉

For this reason we at Cre8-Health felt is highly important to address this issue in our health programs has teamed up  with several of the worlds best supplements for different stages of Health Recovery and different route causes to make absolutely sure one goes from START to FINISH on a proper health protocol that will have long lasting effects aside from adjusting habits and diet.

When parasites live in your body, they create toxins – toxins are their feces, their urine (which is 100% ammonia) and their dead bodies. These toxins cause MANY MANY health problems all over the human body.

Your body tries to remove these toxins through the purifying organs – the liver, the skin, the bowels. The body is fighting these toxins (and losing nutrients to the parasites) on a daily basis – therefore it is weakened causing MORE health problems such as the following skin symptoms:

Dry Skin, Dry Hair, Brittle Hair, Hair Loss, Allergies, Itchy Nose, Itchy Anus, Itchy Skin, Hives, Allergic Reactions to Food, Crawling Sensation Under the Skin, Rashes, Weeping Eczema, Cutaneous Ulcers, Papular Lesions, Swelling, and Sores.

These same toxins overload the central nervous system too causing: Mood Swings, Nervousness, Depression, Forgetfulness, Unclear Thinking, Restlessness, Anxiety, Slow Reflexes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Low Energy

Parasites can control you and your mood and behavior

Parasites can control your mind! make you miserable, irritable and crave foods your body doesn’t want!

Did you know even malaria is a parasite!

Lets get one thing clear EVERYONE has parasites and yet NOBODY is dealing with them?

When’s the last time you had a parasite test?

We re proud to present the best supplement designed course we have discovered to date. Cell Core BioSciences


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Cell Core BioSciences are specialists in eliminating parasites, bacteria and pathogens
they have the most advanced hidden-enemy-within destroyer – Para1,2,3


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There is a road-map and a system for EVERYTHING … including and especially in Health and Wellness, luckily Cell BioSciences have done the hard work for us, all we have to do is follow the standard system wide cleanse and reboot!

Phase 1 is all about preparing the body to detox! it lubricates and loosens the detox pathways and regenerates the liver and empties the bowels

Phase 2 A serious phase not to be underestimated – it rebuilds the kidneys as well as continuing the liver repair. It also supports the gut at the time as the immune system while killing parasites with a dual action at the right part of their life cycle. This will be a phase to remember!

Phase 3 cleans the lymph system and goes deeper into the immune system support while killing the harder to reach parasites with micronised para 3. Iodine is there to support and reset the thyroid immune connection while supporting cellular energy production.

Phase 4 FINALLY the SYSTEMIC detox phase comes! Goodbye viruses, radiation and chemicals – this phase highlights all the hard work that needs to be done BEFORE real detoxing to make sure it’s possible to get that DEEP detox working.

Phase 5 Go deeper into the immune system and boost it sky high to seal the health plan off with final cap stone that will bump your health into another dimension. This phase will enable your immune system to cope with the anything that 2020 and beyond will throw at you.

I know what you’re thinking … ho much does all this cost!
These are the product protocols and prices


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If you want to see more detail about the products and how it’s done! continue reading below …

Lets get the world aware but most importantly lets get the world healthy and in control


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Only1 CellCore

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