Phase 1 – CellCore – Energy and Drainage


Very few things lay at the root cause of most health problems

One thing in particular has escaped media attention for a long time, perhaps because of the nature of this pandemic, perhaps because then it leaves an area of health completely open to health experimentation and exploration!

Toxins account for 80% the root cause of all chronic illness – heavy metals being the most significant – secondly parasites being even more important since for the most part they are completely ignored

We re proud to present the best supplement designed course we have discovered to date. Cell Core BioSciences

Cell Core BioSciences are specialists in eliminating parasites, bacteria and pathogens
they have the most advanced hidden-enemy-within destroyer – Para1,2,3
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There is a road-map and a system for EVERYTHING … including and especially in Health and Wellness, luckily Cell BioSciences have done the hard work for us, all we have to do is follow the standard system wide cleanse and reboot!

I know what you’re thinking … how much does all this cost!

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If you want to see more detail about the products and how it’s done! continue reading below …

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1: Inflammation control: This helps to keep inflammation aka Cancer, under control. Inflammation is related to heat, abrasion, lack of movement and energy flow. 11 plant-based inflammation tamers help quiet rogue inflammation back to healthy levels. This can help your body reset, promote detox, and put you on the path to optimum health.


2. Biotoxin Binder: This compound binds to toxins and radiation and clears the worst of the worst from the body first. contains polyelectrolytespolysaccharidesamino acids, and organic acids, and supports cellular energy production. This ability to promote life sets it apart from older spent carbons and renders them obsolete. works in the tissues and organs to provide support for removal of mold, ammonia, sulfur, candida, and fungal toxins. It is especially effective against bacteria and viral by-products. As a true chelator, it gently removes toxins and has the ability to repair tissues where chelation (heavy metal detox) has occurred. This is extremely important for anyone in a detox/drainage protocol. Humic acid and fulvic acid have shown the ability to support this process.  BioToxin Binder contains a special form of carbon that has a greater binding ability. It also contains wild crafted yucca root and fulvic acid.

3. Bowel mover: This lubricates and softens the bowels to keep the toxin release and flushing pathways open. This product is beneficial for those that struggle with constipation by providing natural, gentle bowel relief. proprietary blend of aloe leaf, cascara sagrada bark, rhubarb root, barberry root, ginger root, black walnut hulls, senna leaf, wormwood, garlic bulb, clove bud, fennel seed, extracts of fulvic acid, cayenne per capsule.


4. TUDCA plus: Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, TUDCA, is a component of your bile acid. It’s used as a therapy for people that have any type of issue with the liver or liver bile duct. You only have small amounts of this amazing compound in your body. Increasing the amount of TUDCA in your body can help clear up issues you are having with your liver. UDCA Plus is especially recommended for you. It helps assisting your liver since it’s counterpart, the gallbladder is not longer there to store the bile and help you metabolize fat soluable vitamins such as A, D, E and K. The superstar team-up of TUDCA, melatonin, and NAC, help increase the flow of bile so toxins aren’t remaining stagnant in the liver to cause damage. They assist in protecting liver cells and combat mitochondrial stress. It can help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.

5. Colloidal (liquid) Minerals: naturally occurring, highly refined and naturally chelated extracts of Fulvic Acid. This means 100% organically complexed nano-sized molecules which can penetrate human tissue and blood cells easily. With over 70 naturally occurring, plant-derived trace minerals and twelve amino acids, this supplement is highly bioactive and can perform numerous biochemical and metabolic detoxification functions.


6. Mito ATP:  Toxins, infections, heavy metals, and aging slow down your mitochondria and hamper their ability to generate the energy you need for everyday cellular function as well as detoxing and healing efforts. Mitochondria can not only slow down, but die off, leaving you with less of these power producing plants in your cells. During these slow-down periods, chronic illness and disease may become painfully evident, as your cells lose their ability to fully “charge.” Harnessing the benefits of specific fulvic acid extracts, MitoATP is formulated to enhance mitochondrial function and upregulate ATP production. While improving energy levels, MitoATP improves your ability to detoxify to maximize your health protocols.

With Chronic conditions like Cancer and Chronic Pain of Autism the most important thing you need to do first is actually stop putting in what is making you worse … THEN you prepare the body with Phase 1 of this 5 Phase System.

Without preparing the flushing toxin removal channels in the body we won’t get any results because the body will be ready to dump toxins but there will be nowhere for them to go or at best a traffic jam on the way out causing whats known as a Herxheimer reaction which most people think is the ‘medicine making them sick!’

This is quite the opposite however it’s a phase, that if overlooked, can lead to serious complications, so its wise to prepare the body first for a health overhaul.

Lets get the world aware but most importantly lets get the world healthy and in control
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